The UNLOCK London Urban Sponsored Walk: (Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham)

London Saturday 27th April

A group from local churches, led by Jan and Sylvia Stuart of St Mary Magdalen, Sheet, will be walking London streets, visiting churches and learning about the work of Christians in the area – a sponsored walk with a difference! Don’t worry that the walk might be too far for you: there is no pressure to complete the whole circuit; hundreds of walkers of all ages and capabilities take part (using short cuts or buses as available!) There are regular stops at churches, some of which provide refreshments and exhibitions of their outreach work. Come and enjoy a fascinating, inspiring and enjoyable day.  We plan to travel by train – details will be arranged with the walkers.

We ask people to sponsor us, to help this Christian charity to support mission work in British cities. It’s wonderful to visit 7 different churches; we always return from the UNLOCK walk absolutely buzzing!  If you are unable to walk with us this year, please DO support the walk by sponsorship, and by praying for the Christians in the West End of London.

Why not join in? For more details email

Click HERE for map of the walk or HERE for description of the walk

Click HERE for details of the Unlock-Urban Christian Charity