11 April – Peter Belton Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Sheet

Be Encouraged

At this time, when we see so much trouble around us, we look for encouragement and trust in the God who loves us to bits.

Some time ago I dreamed…

It was a black night. I was high up in the sky, looking at the south of England, which was pitch black with just one or two little twinkles. I could see the sea and beyond, France.

Slowly, just one or two more tiny lights became visible and then, more more more. At first they seemed to be randomly dotted about. More came and the earlier ones grew in brightness and they seemed to be forming chains which linked up with one another. The black areas became isolated and restricted in size by the increasing light. The lines of lights became brighter and thicker and the areas of darkness smaller and smaller… The process continued…

I never did get to see the darkness disappear or the blaze of light that would eventually engulf the area. Perhaps I’ll die before it happens…

Nevertheless I am convinced that God is at work right now, though sometimes it seems there is still so much blackness around there seems to be little evidence of His work and we are discouraged to put our trust in Him.

But, BE ENCOURAGED, our lover God is at work! The light WILL overcome the dark. Jesus WILL come again… Believe it!